Older Adult Falls
Influencing Policy & Legislation
- Support statewide legislation to establish programs and appropriate funds to address falls in the elderly
- Encourage state and local governments to promote policies and programs that help reduce the incidence and risk of falls among older adults
- Support legislation to incorporate fall prevention guidelines into state and local planning documents that affect housing, transportation, parks, recreational facilities, and other public facilities. Work with appropriate governmental agencies to increase awareness and enforce open-water safety regulations.
- Support legislation relating to osteoporosis prevention

Changing Organizational Practices
- Support changes to the Texas Trauma Registry System to improve available data on falls
- Work with hospitals and geriatric healthcare providers to implement the CDC Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (STEADI) Tool Kit
Fostering Coalitions & Networks
- Participate in local coalitions (i.e., Area Agency on Aging, church groups, etc.).
- Promote multidisciplinary RAC membership including recruitment of community members
Educating Providers
- Educate nursing home staff of fall risk factors and prevention strategies
- Coordinate education of fall prevention strategies (home safety, medication review, eye exams, and exercise) to primary care physicians
- Educate healthcare providers about the CDC Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injuries (STEADI) Tool Kit
Promoting Community Education
- Participate in Fall Prevention Week with organized community activities and outreach
- Promote raising awareness of who is at risk for falls within families and the community
- Host a local medication pharmacy review
Strengthening Individual Knowledge & Skills
- Utilize social media to educate individuals and families on ways to prevent falls among older adults
- Partner with local Tai Chi programs focusing on elderly exercise
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